Original Post https://laraslens.biz/blog/5-year-anniversary-indian-motorcycle-orange-county 

Five years ago I walked into this empty building for a job interview at a motorcycle dealership that was about to open. I knew nothing about motorcycles except that they were loud and they were hard to see as they zipped along among the cars on the road.  

My accounting career had taken me from working for a CPA firm to almost ten years at a direct mail/fulfillment company, and then to some consulting and some clients of my own in fields such as designer eyeglasses, paper ad delivery, corporate healthcare, auto financing, and estate accounting. No motorcycles in there. So, while I was super confident at this point in my career that I could get the accounting and financial reporting done in any industry, I was a little skeptical that a motorcycle dealership was where I wanted to be. 

The owner and the GM met me at the building and asked if I’d seen the new Indian motorcycles.

I said that I had not seen them, and they proceeded to walk me through the back of the building where the first shipment had arrived and was being stored while they finished the showroom construction. I instantly fell in love. With a motorcycle. My photographer’s eye was drawn to the curves and the shapes and colors and vintage look and I knew right then that I would say yes to the job.

Five years later I am still in love. Not just with the motorcycles though. I’m in love with this motorcycle culture that I previously knew nothing about. The co-workers. The customers. The accounting. Yes, I’m in love with the numbers. I love what I do – the numbers are organized and make sense to me and tell a story. Ah, wait, those are the same reasons I love photography. I see photos in people and in everyday things that, in my mind, can be organized a certain way in the photo, and the resulting photo tells a story. So you see, it is only logical that I’m a CPA/Photographer. There is beauty and organization and a story everywhere; you sometimes just have to look a little closer to see it. 

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