Sometimes, chasing the horizon on your bike means crossing state lines and traveling the countryside. If you’re going touring or road tipping with your motorcycle, it can help to do a little prep to make sure you’ve got everything you need to stay comfortable and safe. We here at Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County are here to help you do just that, so we’ve put together some tips for packing for a motorcycle road trip. To learn more, or to see our inventory, contact our store in Westminster, California, today!


21st-century tech has meant the decline of the paper map, but paper is a lot more reliable than a phone battery or other satellite GPS. You’re likely to drive through large areas with poor service and coverage, which can interfere with navigation apps and built-in GPS alike. Paper maps from a local gas station can help you avoid getting too turned around, especially in low-population, low-traffic areas.


Obviously, of course, you’ll still want your phone and a good charger for it. If you get stranded or injured, you’ll want to be able to call for help. At the very least, it’s a handy camera for capturing the majestic sights you see along the way!

Food And Water

You have to be careful with your motorcycle’s limited storage space, but you’ll want non-perishable food and some water with you in case of emergencies or just low blood-sugar. If you’re stranded or feeling faint, you’ll want something to give you the boost of energy you need. Carry at least a quart of water and a high-calorie, energy-dense food.

Extra Clothes

Weather and wipe-outs can mean a lot of things, but the easiest one to fix is ruined or soaked clothing. Bring along some waterproof gear in case of precipitation, as well as extra socks and a shirt in case you don’t get it on in time. A riding suit will protect you from most of the elements, so they’re a good investment.

Repair And First Aid Kits

Whatever condition you and your bike are in when you set out, accidents happen. If you run into a mechanical problem, you’ll want some tools on hand to get you moving again. Likewise, if you get a small injury or have a stomach- or head-ache, you’ll want some help dealing with symptoms until you can rest comfortably. Bring a mini-tool kit and first aid kit on every road trip!

We hope these tips keep you comfortable and safe on your trip! If you have any questions, or you want to see the motorcycles we have for sale, contact us at Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County. We proudly serve the people of Los Angeles and all of Orange County, California—let us serve you today!