Motorcycles have complex designs and components that need professional handling once they develop issues. For that reason, many motorcycle repairs are out of bounds for the ordinary biker owner. However, that doesn’t mean you should always take your bike to a specialist; there are some issues you can handle yourself. For premium motorbike spare parts and top-leading Indian® bikes for sale, come see us at Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County in Westminster, California, serving customers in Los Angeles and Orange County, California.

Cleaning the Chain

Most motorcycle brands use O-ring chains, which need minimal cleaning. When the chain gets dirty, you can personally clean it at home. Raise the bike’s rear wheel and set it to neutral transmission to allow effortless movement of the chain. Get a brush with gentle bristles and gently clean off and grit the chain. Once you’re done cleaning the chain, lubricate it with top-quality chain lube, specially made for your motorcycle brand.

Changing the Oil

Whether your motorbike runs on synthetic, semi-synthetic, or mineral oil, you have to change the oil often. Changing the motorcycle oil is an easy DIY task you can hack at home. Start by riding the motorcycle for some minutes to warm the oil up, lower its viscosity and allow easy drainage. Keep your bike in an upright position, take out its drain plug, oil fill plug, and oil filter. Now cover the motorbike exhaust and engine with aluminum foil to safeguard them from oil. After you have drained the oil, install your new oil filter and all other components, and then add the new oil.

Changing Air Filters

Check your motorcycle air filters regularly for dirt and clogging. When the air filters get clogged, change them. Study your user manual to know the steps to change motorbike air filters.

Changing the Coolant

The coolant protects your motorbike engine against corroding, overheating and freezing. Start by removing the bodywork covering the coolant drain bolt and then remove the drain bolt. Remove the radiator cap to ensure all the coolant contents are fully removed and then refill the coolant. Once the coolant is refilled, install the components and bodywork you removed.

Maintaining the Bikes Tread and Air Pressure

Check your bike’s air pressure regularly and add air pressure to the tires at a gas station when necessary. Information about maintaining motorbike tire air pressure is often provided in the user manual. In addition, check the treads and change the tires when the treads wear out.

These are some fun and easy DIY motorbike tasks you can complete at home. Shop for quality motorcycle spare parts and the finest quality Indian® motorcycles at Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County in Westminster, California, serving those in Los Angeles and Orange County, California.