In some ways, a motorcycle is the perfect vehicle for navigating urban areas. They are compact enough to maneuver easily around crowded streets, and you can park a motorcycle just about anywhere. Not to mention the coolness factor of blazing down the boulevard on your stylish ride, taking in all the sights and sounds of the city.

That said, city riding can be hazardous. Traffic accidents are much more frequent on city streets than on highways and backroads. There are several reasons for this: drivers are more likely to be distracted, vehicles are moving in multiple directions, and there are many more obstacles in the environment. As a motorcycle rider, you are particularly vulnerable to these factors.

If you plan to commute across town on your motorcycle, some special precautions are in order. This guide from Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County covers all the basics of city riding. Looking for more expert advice? Feel free to ask our qualified staff. We proudly serve the motorcycle community in Westminster, CA.

Get Noticed

When riding in the city, you should aim to stand out from the crowd. That means you can forget about wearing all black. Dress in bright colors, or top off your ensemble with a high-visibility vest. You can also apply reflective tape to your helmet for a visibility boost. Of course, this is especially important in low-light conditions – but keep in mind that city streets are full of distractions, day or night.

Stay on Defense

Defensive driving is the golden rule of motorcycle safety, and this is more true on city streets than anywhere else. There is no reward for aggressive behavior – sneaking between cars, riding on the shoulder, and swerving lanes will (at best) earn you nasty looks from other motorists and pedestrians. Always practice caution, and use hand signals to communicate your next move.

Watch the Road Ahead

This may seem to go without saying, but when you are stuck in traffic downtown, your eyes can start wandering. No matter how bored you are, save your people watching for later, and focus on the vehicle ahead of you. You might need to react quickly to sudden changes in traffic, and you should always be on the lookout for animals or people in the road.

Have an Escape Route

You bike is light and maneuverable, and you can use that to your advantage in a tight situation. As you ride through city traffic, give other vehicles a wide berth, and leave yourself plenty of room to escape. Remember that hard braking on a motorcycle can be dangerous, and weaving your way to safety is your best option. Look out for gaps between other vehicles and safe places to pull over. You are better off riding onto a grass median than being thrown off your motorcycle!

We hope you found this guide helpful. Are you still hunting around for the perfect street bike? Come check out our selection here at Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County. We welcome customers from all over Orange County, and from Los Angeles, CA.