Has it been awhile since you sat astride your bike and twisted the throttle? Then your body may not quite be ready to endure hours of riding without a lot of pain and fatigue afterwards. Fortunately, you can take steps to fix this and get yourself in better shape to reduce pain, curb fatigue and make it easier to ride as long as you like.

As one of the premier Indian Motorcycle® dealers in southern California, Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County has the tips you need to strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance for riding.

Why Bother Getting in Shape?

“But my motorcycle is my form of transportation,” you might say. “Why do I need to be in good shape to ride it?” Well, your physical stamina ends up predicting how good a ride feels and how good you feel afterwards. A rider that isn’t in good shape may need to take more frequent breaks or cut their rides short, and they may find themselves icing their muscles the next day. What’s worse, you might not be able to ride for several days if you’ve strained your muscles too much. 

Riding a motorcycle takes a surprising amount of core strength compared to driving a car, which is much more passive. You have to engage your core muscles to maintain your balance, use your arms to keep yourself upright on the handlebars, and hug the bike with your thighs when cornering. That’s a lot of muscle groups activated!

Strength Training Tips

So with all that being said, you’ll want to perform some targeted workouts to focus on those muscles. Each group of muscles needs a different type of exercise to really activate and strengthen it.


To strengthen your quads and hamstrings, perform sets of leg presses, squats and lunges. It’s not a bad idea to get some walking in, too.


Your abdominal muscles make up your core and you’ll find yourself tightening them as you ride. Perform sit-ups on an exercise ball, then do some planks and Russian twists to work all those muscles.

Upper Body

Your shoulders and your upper back are at the most risk of being strained, so you need to engage these by doing pull-ups, tricep press-downs, Supermans and bicep curls.

Improving Flexibility

You might not think you need much flexibility to ride, but your screaming muscles will tell a different story if you don’t stretch them regularly! Maintaining your posture, reaching your bike’s controls and cornering will all test your muscles. Use a foam roller to help target your legs and back and perform seated and standing stretches to help limber up before a ride.

Seeking motorcycles for sale in southern California? Stop by our Westminster, CA, dealership location to check out our fine selection of new and used motorcycles for sale, including the latest Indian Motorcycle® models. Indian Motorcycle® of Orange County proudly serves all our SoCal customers coming from greater Los Angeles and Orange County.